Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Dinner for One

Last night, I got home from a long day at work and remembered Mike was working so he wouldn't be around for dinner. I must say, getting motivated to cook for one is not easy!

So I opened the fridge, freezer and pantry.. I was about to say that dreaded phrase "We have nothing to eat." And then I saw a glimpse of the fish in the freezer. I then remembered we had some ingredients left from Taco night on Sunday. Fish tacos it is.

I have some normal go-to ingredients when Mike is working - fish and/or mushrooms. Mike doesn't like them so I sneak then in when he isn't home (sometimes I sneak mushrooms into meals, but Shh... don't tell Mike!).

Tuesday Fish Tacos

Refried beans
Greek yogurt (as a replacement for sour cream)
Red onion, chopped
Lettuce, I used romaine
Avocado, sliced
Fish, chopped (whatever is in the freezer, I used an herb crusted tilapia)

And as easy as it is to chop up all the ingredients, add it to your small whole wheat tortilla shells and enjoy. I put refried beans on because I wanted a little extra protein but I probably wouldn't put them on next time around, it was just a texture thing that didn't work with all the other fresh ingredients.

Let me know what you think.

Side thought - Do you ever feel like the pictures you take are just horrible and someone (namely Mike) with the same camera in their hand can do a much better job. Sorry for the pictures... I need to work on that! My accountant brain is fighting the creativity side sometimes I think.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Protein... The Right Way

What looks more natural:

Hemp Hearts

Protein Powder

Mike and I started back on our breakfast smoothies after a winter hiatus and I found I was drinking a large smoothie in the morning and it just wasn't lasting. An hour after drinking it, I found myself wanting more. So I did a little research and it turns out there just wasn't enough protein in my breakfast routine. But, every solution I found told me to add a protein powder (see picture above). 

I just couldn't do it. I went to product shelf and read 5 different ingredient lists; I couldn't pronounce 50% of the items on each list. So I have now set out to find a more natural solution. 

First thing, we decided to find what we could add that was as close to our comfort level as possible. If you don't know Mike, he is a little picky.. but trying very hard!! My first thought was to add nuts, but I wanted to make sure they weren't going to be completely impossible to drink in a smoothie. Hemp hearts became a perfect solution. If you haven't tried them, they are a soft texture and pack a protein punch. 

4 tablespoons packs 15 grams of protein
Required daily intake of protein is generally 50 grams (however it depends on your age)

But, it doesn't end there. There are many other ways to add that protein punch to your morning smoothie including - yogurt, milk, almonds, etc. At the end of the day, I just want to make sure I recognize the foods that I am eating and not automatically turn to protein powder because it is easier. 

Is there any special formula you have to make sure you are getting enough of protein daily?

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there. I was driving by a church yesterday and their very clever sign read:

"God couldn't be everywhere, so he created moms"

I think that one sentence sums up mothers so nicely but I did a little research and thought this was a great extension of that. A poem by George W. Wiseman.

God could not be in every place

With loving hands to help erase
The teardrops from each baby’s face,
And so He thought of mother.

He could not send us here alone

And leave us to a fate unknown;

Without providing for His own,

The outstretched arms of mother.

God could not watch us night and day

And kneel beside our crib to pray,

Or kiss our little aches away;

And so He sent us mother.

And when our childhood days began,

He simply could not take command.

That’s why He placed our tiny hand

Securely into mother’s.

The days of youth slipped quickly by,

Life’s sun rose higher in the sky.

Full grown were we, yet ever nigh

To love us still, was mother.

And when life’s span of years shall end,

I know that God will gladly send,
To welcome home her child again,
That ever-faithful mother.

So Happy Mother's Day Mom! I wouldn't be where I am without all of your love and support.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Training Week 1

Are you a tough mudder? Well by the end of the day on July 28th, 2013, Mike and I can only hope we will be crowned with the famous orange headband.

We are now officially 78 days away from the big day. The course is complete with 20-25 obstacles and a  10-12 mile course. 

Some people say we are out of our minds, but I say it's a great challenge! It's like fast forwarding through your bucket list in 3-4 hours on a Saturday afternoon with all of your friends around. 

All that being said, it is training time now. We are almost through week one... 
  • Day 1 - Trail running and stairs
  • Day 2 - Rest
  • Day 3 - Circuit training 1 through 3
  • Day 4 - Circuit training 1 through 3
  • Day 5 - Running
  • Day 6 - Will be Circuit training 1 through 3
  • Day 7 - Will be Circuit training 1 through 3
  • Day 8 - Will be Rest
Yes my calves are sore and my arms feel like jello every morning, but it will be worth it in the end... right?!

Have you ever done a tough mudder event, any tips to share? What's on your bucket list that you can knock off this year?

Monday, May 6, 2013

Today's Green Tip

Reduce your reliance on packaging. 

Avoid single serve items at the grocery store and force yourself to look for those products with minimal packaging. Also, make a conscious effort to choose cardboard packaging rather plastic because it is more sustainable. In Canada, only 22% of excess packaging ends up being recycling, meanwhile the rest ends up in landfills around the country.